Teaching Materials
This is a small collection of materials I've made for various classes. You might find them helpful! Please reach out if you happend to want the TeX file for these.
Rubric for math presentations.
Rubric for math papers.
Concept Map Project -- currently written for a Calculus class, but can be easily adapted. Includes a rubric.
An Infographic syllabus.
A Beamer Jeopardy game for Number Theory.
Rubric for Math Presentations
This is a rubric for grading math presentations. I took this rubric (found online) and adapted it to fit my needs.
Concept Map Project
In Spring 2020, I replaced the Final exam with a Final Concept Map project. I wanted to encourage students to reflect on the topics from the course and form connections between them. I developed this assignment with my colleague, Dr. Ryan Moruzzi.
Infographic Syllabus
I shamelessly took this syllabus style from Chad Topaz at Williams College. I use a program called piktochart to make these.